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6/25/21 Workday

1st job:

This a call in regards to a GE Dryer not spinning. I take the dryer apart and notice that the belt as fallen off its track, courtesy of a poor design by GE


2nd job:

This was a job in regards to a Whirlpool Duet Front Load Washer. The customer is complaining of a loud banging noise when the washer is in its spin cycle…..

I turn the drum manually with my hand it feels like its hardly connected together, I take apart the back to make sure the bolt isn’t loose nor the belt, neither are…

This only means that the tub spyder is corroded…. This means it is time for a new washer…..



3rd job:

This was a return call in regards to a Samsung Dishwasher. The original call was in regards to the dishwasher stuck in the drain cycle, I checked the sensor it was good but noticed a leak from the water inlet valve which made the dishwasher think water as in the tub which is why it kept draining.

I replaced the valve and all was well….


4th job:

This was a follow up call in regards to an earlier Whirlpool Dryer. The customer said that she tried to dry her clothes and it would not dryer…

I thought it maybe a ventilation issue but she said she cleaned her vent recently….. Perhaps she put it on the heatless setting by mistake… I told her to try again over the weekend and call me if any problems…

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