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6/11/21 workday

1st job:

This is a call in regards to a Bosch 800 series dishwasher that was not operating, anyway I pull out the dishwasher I check the power plug for continuity, it has current, I check the voltage at the main board, I could not pick up any voltage out of none of the wire connections, the service manual also did not give a schematic or wiring diagram, so I had no idea what connection lead to what.

This bosch has two boards, a main board and a control panel, normally in machines with multiple control boards I attempt to pin it down to 1 to avoid losing jobs, in this case because I did not have the technical information to make my diagnosis as accurate as possible, I had to quote the customer for two boards as I could not ascertain which one was at fault.

The cost plus labor easily put this repair at the cost of another machine, boards are expensive, usually over a hundred or to a few hundred dollars in most cases.

Customer opted to replace…..



2nd job:

This was a call from a DIYER who had replaced his heating element twice and still couldn’t get his samsung dryer to work correctly, I knew I wouldn’t be able to sell this guy a job based on that and that this call he was paying only to get a professionals opinion on the matter of what he should do next…

Anyways first thing I do is test the dryer heaters circuit for voltage at the control board…… I am reading 235 volts, specifications are 240 give or take a few numbers…. so the heating circuit and the fuses are not malfunctioning, I check the thermistor for ohms, 31k ohms I got on the reading and that was in specification.

I then concluded this may be an airflow issue via the dryer duct, however the customer informed me that he had already cleaned out the duct….

At that point I knew this was a control board defect, I showed the customer the cost of another control board as I knew he would opt to do it himself, it was several hundred dollars…..

The machine was at least 6 years old so he opted to just replace……


3rd job: 

This job, the door  to a Bosch dryer had fell off, customer was a repeat customer so I went over to see the issue, he needs a door latch, the one he has is broken on the bottom latch…

I was in and out….


4th job:

This was a repeat call on a GE Top Mount fridge, the fridge was not defrosting 2 months after I replaced the defrost heater and thermostat, this time I changed the defrost timer…..

It has been several days since then, no complaints from customer…..


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