5/31/21 workday
1st job:
This was a quick job, the door latch for this customer was faulty I had to switch it out….
Anyways it took me about 30 minutes, I had to use screw driver and putty knife to compress both the top and bottom and pull it out, it took me longer than expected. Ultimately I had to use a pliers to squeeze and push it inside, it fell to the bottom of the door and I unscrewed it to open it up so the old latch would fall out.
Case closed….
2nd Job:
This was an electrolux washing machine which is made by frigidaire, I like frigidaire products because they are built well except their dishwashers. I get the least calls on frigidaire products and when I do the machines are usually 10 plus years old. The only downside to frigidaire is unless you are dealing with the refrigerators or stoves the parts can be expensive or scarce…..
Anyways the issue with this machine was that it was not draining, I tried to put it in diagnostic mode to avoid disassembly to no avail. I had to disassemble to check for blockages in the drain pump……..
Anyways I disassemble the machine, and inspect the pump, there is no debris however it comes on when activated but wont drain.
This could mean the drain itself is faulty, or the board is malfunctioning. Either way the drain pump on this machine was 220 alone without tax and shipping, that combined with the labor deemed to be not worth it in the customers eyes. They are going to replace………..Case closed!
3rd job:
Had a call in regards to a GE refrigerator with a freezer on top. This was a return call I had fixed this refrigerator back in late march it was having a defrost issue, I replaced the heater and defrost thermostat and everything was working fine until a few days ago…..
As you can see the ice has built up again…. So this time instead of going straight to disassembly I checked voltage from the board… Or well I attempted to….
The thing is with my work is that the manufacturer does not always provide the information you need in order to do your job correctly. There was no mention on how to enter defrost mode manually, so I just twisted the defrost timer but it didn’t seem to do much although it was clicking………..
Anyways I tested 120 volts on the circuit going into the defrost timer, but the circuit that flows from the timer through the heater and thermostat I did not get anything.
I am not sure if this is a case of faulty parts from the manufacturer or an issue with the defrost timer itself. I have already swapped both the heater and the thermostat. This time I will swap the timer, if that does not solve the issue it could be a wiring issue…..
We will see how this turns out…….