

1st job:

Customer informed me that refrigerator was not cooling. First thing I do is go straight to the evaporator coil

This is a picture of the evaporator coil. As you can see here it is completely dry. What you are supposed to see is a thin sheet of ice on the coil, the ice on the coils is what is responsible for the refrigerator and freezer maintaining its temperature. Without the ice on the coil the refrigerator will not cool, the cause of a dry evaporator coil is a sealed system failure. Either the compressor is malfunctioning, or there is a leak or restriction in the freon lines.

Next thing I do is pull out the refrigerator and listen for the compressor, I do not notice the compressor running so I test voltage from the capacitor…. the capacitor connects to the compressor and shares a circuit with the condensor fan, the capacitor runs at 220 volts, the condensor runs at 120 volts. When I checked the circuit I only received 120 volts so in this case it is the capacitor which is at fault. Once the capacitor is changed and the compressor starts running the evaporator coil will then begin to make ice and the cooling will resume.

job 2:

Customer complained his dishwasher will not start cycle, all lights come off then the dishwasher shuts down. I went to the customers house and started the dishwasher without incident, everything was working fine. I informed the customer that if it happens again it can be 1 of 3 things, the fuse, the boards, or the main motor.

I told him if it is the fuse it is worth fixing otherwise it is best to replace. Case closed/

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